Personal Success Tip – Random Acts of Kindness and Pay it Forward

One powerful action and attitude you can embrace is the practice of random acts of kindness while also creating a pay-it-forward living system. Random acts of kindness are just that: They’re random and kind.

When you give out of your pure desire to give and expect nothing in return, AND you do this only to benefit others, you’re practicing random acts of kindness. Think about the energy you’re sowing: Love, acceptance, care, support, and generosity. These are all very powerful seeds to be planted in the garden of your life.

And although you do this without any expectation of return (in fact, you do it just for the sake of doing it, which in itself is a precious gift), the truth is these acts will benefit you in countless ways. I’ve never met anyone, given the choice to do anything they wanted to do, who wouldn’t want to give merely for the purpose of helping humankind in some way.

Pay-it-forward comes from the movie of the same title. It was a system dreamed up by a very wise, very young man who proposed, as part of a homework assignment, that we each do something positive for three other people and ask them to do the same for three other people in a very short time everyone in the world would be positively affected.

It’s easy to pay back people when they’ve done you a favour. But this system is about doing someone a favour and then asking them to return it by doing one for someone else. Again, you’re planting the seeds of lush abundance and prosperity by practicing random acts of kindness and adopting a pay-it-forward attitude.

What random acts of kindness can you pay forward today? Get started and plant those seeds today that will provide you with a fruitful harvest tomorrow.